

此型软管泵整体结构设计先进,采用外装动、静环式机械密封,可直接水冲洗,耐高压,不易磨损,无泄漏。 体积小,流量大,扬程压力高,适用长距离与高阻力定量输送。 <br />
泵的叶轮与传动齿轮分开,且在泵腔内各零配件之间保证一定的间隙,相互不接触,无磨损,低噪音,可靠性好,使用寿命长,节能降耗。<br />


There is also a food-grade rubber hose pump. Its rubber layer must meet food hygiene requirements, and it must also meet EHEDG or other sanitary requirements. There is also a EPDM hose pump, which is generally suitable for most corrosive chemicals and inorganic materials. The inner rubber layer is composed of EPDM rubber, and the outer layer is also a complete EPDM rubber. Such hoses have strong chemical resistance. And CSM hose pump, it is suitable for particularly corrosive chemical media, such as: strong oxidizing solvents. The inner layer of the hose is CSM and the outer layer is natural rubber. Operating temperature reaches 85 ° C / 185 ° F.

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The hose pump is composed of pump casing, rotor body, frame, hose, reduction motor and electronic control system. The rotor body rotates, and a pair of pressure rollers on the rotor body rotates along a special rubber hose. The squeezing force generated by the pressure roller and the pump casing will flatten the rubber hose. The elasticity of the tube and the side guide rollers restore the The vacuum produced by the original state sucks the material, and the material is discharged from the tube, so as to reciprocate.

