

公司名称]销售(湘西) 本地 拦水带成型机。均可定尺、加工。公司供应的产品均保证质量,可根据客户不同需求进行加工等。在技术要求上,可以按照要求生产,本公司生产主要产品有:(湘西) 本地 拦水带成型机。公司秉承诚信服务、恪守信誉的宗旨,在同等的质量下,保证以z u i低的价格,z u i完善的服务,z u i高的信誉来答谢各界朋友的支持和厚爱,欢迎您的来电、咨询,我们将竭诚为您服务。

泥浆泵软管泵注意部件:活塞、活塞压板、皮碗、活塞座、活塞杆、柱塞杆、进排水阀、进排水阀阀座、十字头、十字头滑套、十字头销轴、曲轴、连杆、连杆上下瓦、连杆铜套、连杆螺钉及母、冠型螺母、骨架油封、O型密封圈、轴承及相配套的齿轮、轴等容易出质量问题,在购买和使用中应当注意。<br />!                 


The hose pump belongs to the category of peristaltic pump. It is mainly composed of a special rubber hose corresponding to a pair of pressure rollers on the rotor assembly in the pump body. When the pressure roller rotates along the rubber hose, the pressure roller and the pump housing The squeezing force flattens the rubber hose. Under the elasticity of the hose itself and the force of the side guide rollers, the fluid material is sucked in by the vacuum generated by the original state. The material is discharged from the tube under the mechanical pressure of the pressure roller, and so on. , So as to achieve the purpose of continuous output of materials.



Hose pumps are very versatile and can be applied to many occasions on the market, such as: emptying of sewage pump wells, emptying of sewage pumping stations, emptying of sewage ponds and sludge ponds in water plants. Empty sewage and sludge from municipal sewer system. Emergency transfer of oil, liquid substances, chemical sludge, etc. after the accident at factories and tankers; suction pumps for flushing water on the surface after the accident. Fire emergency water transfer; emergency water supply pump station, the internal flow parts of the pump can be equipped with stainless steel, several pump trucks in series can be used as temporary water supply pump station. Military and naval forces combat readiness logistic pump truck.


软管泵采用外装动、静环式机械密封,可直接水冲洗,耐高压,不易磨损,无泄漏。 体积小,流量大,扬程压力高,适用长距离与高阻力定量输送。 <br />
泵的叶轮与传动齿轮分开,且在泵腔内各零配件之间保证一定的间隙,相互不接触,无磨损,低噪音,可靠性好,使用寿命长,节能降耗。<br />